An introduction to R for graduate students in agricultural sciences at North Carolina State University developed by Vinicius Garnica and Danielle Cooney.

This repository is intended to serve as an additional resource for short workshops held on the dates below. This workshop is a series of two training sessions which students are free to attend what best fits their interest. The source code can be found at

  • Introduction to R (Oct 28th at 2-3 pm - Location: Williams Hall 2405)
  • Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization (Nov 11th at 2-4 pm - Location: PSI 3152 & 3158)



This introduction to R is designed to be a companion to a workshop introducing the basics of R and data manipulation/visualization and simple analysis. Our target audience is graduate level students in the departments of Horticulture, Crop and Soil Sciences, Entomology & Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University who responded a questionnaire sent on Sept 23th.

This workshop is not intended to compete with courses taught at NCSU. Students are encouraged to evaluate and take NCSU courses that provide introduction and data visualization via R.



By the end of this workshop we hope that participants should be able to:

  • Find, download, and load necessary packages in RStudio environment
  • Load tabular data into R
  • Understand the basics of data manipulation and structure in R
  • Know what a data frame, vector, and function are
  • Summarize data
  • Visualize data


Workshop Material

We are providing complete and incomplete R scripts for the workshop, so that you can easily execute the code in these scripts to follow along. There are also excel files that will be used for the second workshop. You can download files at:

You may need to have winRaR installed to access files


Supporting material

This workshop was prepared with material compiled from:



Vinicius C. Garnica

PhD Student - Entomology and Plant Pathology Department



Danielle Cooney

PhD Student - Crop and Soil Sciences Department



Hope you have a great expeRience!